HVAC & Design
Energy Calculations
Energy and Load Calculations are required in the State of Florida for all new homes and additions. Energy Calcs are compiled to determine that the home is being built to current energy efficiency standards set by the Florida Energy Code. Manual J Load calculations are performed to determine that the HVAC equipment is sized correctly.
Manual J
This is for Residential Load Calculations. This allows contractors and homeowners to accurately determine the total amount of heat lost outdoors in cooler months and the total amount of heat gained in the home during warmer months. It takes into account the characteristics of the home, such as insulation, walls, square footage, number of windows and doors, and climate.
Manual D
Whether you’re replacing an old, worn down duct system, or building a new home, duct design is crucial to avoiding unnecessary energy expenses, uneven cooling throughout the home, and a noisy HVAC system. You’ll need properly sized ductwork and strategic placement of return grills and supply plenum to avoid these outcomes! They’re based on Manual J calculations (see, manual J is very important!) and your home’s floor plan. Your main room will need more air supply while your bathroom will need less; this is what Manual D can do for you.